October 15, 2014

Mr Anang home, Puri Bunga Malang

Mr Anang home is a development house that originally had stood first floor. For a 2 floors house model is expected to adjust to the existing design, and with the addition of shape can further beautify the look of the house. Selection of fresh green color combined with natural stone make houses more natural look fresh and comfortable for the occupants.

Hopefully useful and the design can be an inspiration ..

July 12, 2014

The swimming pool at home

The placement of the swimming pool at home is usually placed close to the semi-public areas, such as the family room or dining room. And as a separator between interior space with a swimming pool in general use wide glass openings that view the pool area can be seen clearly from inside the house. The use of wide glass will increase the area of space inside and outside views. In addition, view pool also adds freshness in space.

Hopefully useful and the design can be an inspiration.
For more info can be consulted directly ..

July 4, 2014

Frozen Bedroom

Frozen bedroom , bedrooms for girls with frozen movie theme. To reinforce the frozen theme given variations in the room with Accents of snow on some furniture.  Blue as dominant color of frozen combined with pink color makes a girls room look sweet and soft.

If you want to download an additional cut-out for edit photoshop, please link the following page:
May be useful ...

June 21, 2014

Desain interior kamar anak perempuan

Desain interior kamar tidur anak perempuan dengan style modern classy yang elegan. kombinasi warna pink yg cerah semakin mempercantik kesan ruangan. Pemilihan model furniture bed set yang mewah dan permainan lighting menambah kesan glamour pada ruang

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June 15, 2014

Ellegant Bathroom

A bathroom is not just a place to shower, but a bathroom can also be made ​​as a room that has an ellegant design. Combining tile walls and sanitair very influential to create the impression of ellegant in space. 

The selection of tile material for ellegant bathrooms must be of high quality as good quality ceramic, mosaic or granite. For tile arrangement using Motifs that is simple but impressive ellegant. 

Hopefully useful and the design can be an inspiration.
For more info can be consulted directly ..

June 14, 2014

Master bedroom Miss Linna, Sidoarjo

Desain interior kamar utama dengan style modern classy yang elegan. Kombinasi warna cream - dark brown yang lembut sangat cocok utk kamar, sebagai ruang relaksasi yang butuh ketenangan.
Penggunaan elemen cermin jg berada didepan bedset yang sekaligus utk fungsi kaca rias agar menambah kesan ruangan lebih luas.


January 2, 2014

Mr Tejo Home, BSI Sidoarjo

Rumah dengan konsep villa yang berada di perumahan Sidoarjo ini menjadi impian bagi penghuninya untuk memiliki hunian yang tidak hanya sebagai tempat tinggal, tetapi juga sebagai tempat relaksasi yang nyaman dan asri, sehingga terciptalah sebuah desain rumah dengan tema minimalis tropis.


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